Category Archives: Website admin and stats

Private Law Theory blog, the first 5 years

This blog went live on 3 September 2011, and since then there have been 3,509 published posts. Each post goes out to current subscribers – there are currently 518 subscribers, and a significant number of the posts are picked up on RSS and other channels. In this past year there have been 81,640 page views, […]

Private Law Theory blog, the first 4 years

This blog went live on 3 September 2011, and since then there have been 2,526 published posts. Each post goes out to current subscribers – there are currently 424 subscribers. In this past year there have been 132,649 page views, by 17,308 distinct visitors. The pages were viewed from: United Kingdom (19.52%), United States (14.06%), […]

Private Law Theory blog – Highlights of 2014

Readership continues to grow:  this year (so far) there have been 119,004 pageviews. 353 people subscribe by e-mail, maybe 100 more by RSS. A videos page was added in September. Location of readers (by pageview): by country: US (26.7%) UK (16.1%) Canada (9.8%) Ireland (6.7%) Australia (5.5%) China (3.2%) Israel (2.6%) Netherlands (2.5%) South Korea […]

Private Law Theory blog – the second year

This blog went live on 3 September 2011, and since then there have been 1,055 posts. In this past year there have been 42,074 pageviews (about 115 per day), comprising 24,617 visits from 9,840 unique visitors. 49% are referred from Google, 36% come direct, 2% are from Bing, the remainder from a variety of referrers. […]

Private Law Theory blog – the first year

This blog went live on 3 September 2011. Since then there have been 501 published posts. There have been 24,143 pageviews (about 65 a day), comprising 12,129 visits from 4,884 unique visitors. 42% of visits come via Google,  37% are direct, the remainder from a variety of referrers. 9% of the visits were through mobile […]