Category Archives: Public policy

James Goudkamp, ‘The Doctrine of Illegality: A Private Law Hydra’

Abstract: This article offers an analysis of the decisions of the United Kingdom Supreme Court in Hounga v Allen, Les Laboratoires Servier v Apotex Inc and Jetivia SA v Bilta (UK) Limited (in liquidation. It seeks to understand the reasons given in those cases and their implications. It will be argued that the law in […]

Cartwright and Roach, ‘Fraudulently Claiming Following a Road Traffic Accident: A Pilot Study of UK Residents’ Attitudes’

Abstract: The United Kingdom Government recently expressed concern about the financial repercussions that feigned whiplash claims following road traffic accidents (RTAs) are having on the insurance industry and the United Kingdom economy. Indeed, this is a problem that is a likely result of a significant percentage of otherwise law-abiding citizens, who interpret this behaviour to […]