Category Archives: Jobs

‘Job Vacancy at Riga Graduate School of Law’

“Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) calls for applications for the following academic vacancy: Docent in Private Law with additional specialization in Private International Law or International Commercial Law or Comparative Contract Law, for election term of 6 years …” (more) [Giesela Ruehl, Conflict of Laws .net, 28 May] First posted 2019-05-28 09:35:49

Chair in Scots Law, University of Edinburgh School of Law

“… Job Purpose: To teach Scottish private law at undergraduate level, to teach comparative private law at postgraduate level, to undertake writing and research in Scottish private law, to provide academic leadership in the field of Scottish private law, and to contribute to the Law School’s academic administration and management. Scottish private law is understood […]

Research Assistant / Research Associate / Research Fellow: Centre for Banking and Finance Law, National University of Singapore

“The Centre for Banking and Finance Law (CBFL) at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore seeks to be at the cutting edge of legal developments in banking and finance by contributing ideas for improving the financial system at the national, regional and global levels …” (more) First posted 2019-01-29 09:46:53

‘Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Private Law at Harvard Law School’

“The Project on the Foundations of Private Law at Harvard Law School is seeking applicants for full-time, one- to two-year residential appointments, starting in the fall of 2019 — in particular, it is seeking applicants for both the Postdoctoral Fellowship in Private Law and the Qualcomm Postdoctoral Fellowship in Private Law and Intellectual Property. Application […]

Post-Doctorate Fellowships: ‘Markets, Ethics, and the Law’: Tel Aviv University

The Edmond J Safra Center for Ethics at Tel Aviv University is accepting applications for its 2019-20 post-doctorate fellowship program. The Center offers grants to outstanding researchers who study the ethical, moral, and political aspects of markets, local or global, real or virtual. The Center encourages applications from all disciplines and fields, including economics, social […]

Lecturer – Property and Contracts Law – Sydney, NSW

UNSW Law is seeking to appoint a scholar at Lecturer level with expertise in property and contracts law. The Lecturer is responsible for contributing to the School’s teaching programs, research, and engagement activities of the School and to carry out the duties of a Lecturer in their field of expertise. The appointee is expected to […]

Reader in Law, Newcastle Law School

Newcastle Law School seeks to strengthen the School’s senior team by appointing a Readership in Law. The successful candidate will provide leadership in a core area of the legal curriculum (we are particularly interested in private lawyers taken to include those willing to teach in areas such as Commercial Law, Land Law, Obligations and Remedies) […]

Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor or Professor: Faculty of Law University of Auckland

… Successful applicants will be committed to undertaking high quality research and research-informed teaching. All Faculty members are expected to contribute to the foundational courses, and to develop and teach specialist elective courses. The Faculty of Law is seeking applicants with interests and strengths in any areas of the law, and in particular in the […]

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer – University of Otago Faculty of Law

“… The Faculty’s primary teaching needs are in the following areas, but exceptional candidates with proven research potential in other areas will also be carefully considered: Contract; Torts; Property Law; Equity and Trusts; Family Law; Insolvency Law; and Indigenous Law. Your Skills and Experience: Successful candidates will have a postgraduate law degree or equivalent academic […]

Associate Lecturer / Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor in Law: University of Queensland

… The School is seeking lecturers to teach into one or more of the undergraduate core law courses, which are mandated as ‘Prescribed Areas of Knowledge’ required for admission to legal practice. We have particular needs in Property, Equity and Trusts and Civil Procedure. We also have needs in commercial law and taxation. Academics must […]