Category Archives: Grants and Scholarships
Markets, Ethics, and the Law – Post-Doctorate Fellowships – Edmond J Safra Center for Ethics, Tel Aviv University
Candidates must have a PhD from a recognized institution in Israel or abroad, and must have received their degree after February 15th 2013. Candidates with permanent positions at universities or colleges are not eligible. Preference will be given to candidates who have not received their degree from TAU. Additional funding for travel for non-Israelis fellows […]
University of New South Wales: PhD Scholarships in Private Law
UNSW Australia is a research-intensive university ranked in the world’s top 50 universities (QS rankings 2016). Our Sydney campus is home to 55,000 students from over 120 countries. We aspire to be Australia’s global university, improving and transforming lives through excellence in research, outstanding education and a commitment to advancing a just society. Strategic area […]
Fellowships at Harvard Law School
“From our colleagues at Harvard Law School come these two job postings – please share with anyone potentially interested: Qualcomm Postdoctoral Fellowship in Private Law and Intellectual Property. Located at Harvard Law School, the Qualcomm Fellowship is a two-year, residential postdoctoral program specifically designed to identify, cultivate, and promote promising scholars early in their careers […]
Call to apply for PhD/Early Career Scholars bursaries to attend/present in ESRC Medico-Legal Seminar series: ‘Liability v Innovation: Unpacking Key Connections 2015-2017’
“In medico-legal literature two related claims are common: that the threat of legal liability for medical mishaps causes defensive medicine, and that in particular it stifles innovation. Both claims are supported by anecdotal experience of researchers and clinicians. However, the extent of the problem within and outside the UK is disputed. Moreover, the Bolam-Bolitho test […]
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Private Law, Harvard University
The Project on the Foundations of Private Law is an interdisciplinary research program at Harvard Law School dedicated to scholarly research in private law. Applicants should be aspiring academic with a primary interest in one or more of property, contracts, torts, intellectual property, commercial law, unjust enrichment, restitution, equity, and remedies. The Project welcomes applicants […]
Cambridge Law Journal PhD Studentships in Property Law and Contract Law or Tort Law
The Cambridge Law Journal is offering two studentships for full time PhD students commencing doctoral research in 2015-16. The purpose of these scholarships is to promote research in core areas of the common law. The value of a Cambridge Law Journal PhD Studentship will be up to the value of the applicable fees for a […]
PhD scholarships: Peter Birks Memorial Scholarships at University College London
“The Peter Birks Memorial Scholarships will be limited to new students starting in September 2015, undertaking research in private law, broadly conceived to include any comparative, doctrinal, historical or theoretical treatment of any aspect of obligations or property law. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence and research potential. Candidates must meet […]
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship: Comparative Unjust Enrichment: McGill University, Montréal
The Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law intends to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with effect from August 2017 or other agreed date. The position is funded by an Insight Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The principal investigator is Professor Lionel Smith, researcher at the Crépeau Centre, […]
‘Scholarships for International Researchers’
“Max Planck Institute for Private Law is offering scholarships for international researchers. Here are some of the key features of this scholarship: ‘One of our primary aims is to promote academic exchange with foreign scholars. Towards this end, we extend scholarships to researchers whose primary place of residence is outside of Germany in order to […]
‘Apply to be a Private Law Fellow at the Project’
The Project on the Foundations of Private Law at Harvard Law School is seeking applicants for the Postdoctoral Fellowship in Private Law. The Fellowship is a two-year, residential postdoctoral program specifically designed to identify, cultivate, and promote promising scholars early in their careers with a primary interest in private law. Private law embraces traditional common […]