Category Archives: Grants and Scholarships
University Assistant without Doctorate (Institute for European Tort Law)
Your Responsibilities: Writing a dissertation in the area of Civil Law; Participation in the institute’s third-party funded and other research projects in the field of comparative law (scientific focus: Comparative and European Private Law, Tort Law, English Law/ Common Law) at the Institute for European Tort Law of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the […]
Funding for two joint PhD projects in Comparative Trusts Law (Melbourne/Bonn)
We have secured scholarship funding for two joint PhD positions (Universities of Melbourne and Bonn) in comparative trusts law. One project would be based primarily in Melbourne, with a 12-month stay at Bonn; the other would be based primarily in Bonn with 12 months in Melbourne. We would jointly supervise both projects, and upon successful […]
‘Postdoc fellowships in Global History and Governance at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale’
The Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples (Italy), invites applications for four 1-year (renewable for up to 3 years) postdoc fellowships in Global History and Governance for the academic year 2025-2026. The program in Global Histories and Governance focuses on the comparisons, connections, and processes of globalization that have characterized different areas of the planet between the […]
‘Call for proposals for funding project “Utilization of artificial intelligence in the judicial System”’
As a form of Artificial Intelligence, large language models, are able to produce texts whose linguistic level corresponds to that of an educated human, or to communicate with humans (eg through a chatbot). The judicial system requires the production, interpretation, specification and application of legally relevant texts. Some players within the judicial system are already […]
Doctoral Student (3 years, fully funded), Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg
Job Description: The Research Group ‘Artificial Justice’ applies interdisciplinary methods to the study of automated, artificial, and algorithmic reasoning in law. Group members research a wide array of topics ranging from pre-modern fantasies of ‘justice machines’, the transition from legal logic to legal information science, cultural attitudes towards courtroom tech, and the emerging ‘right to […]
Funded PhD opportunity – Mental Capacity Law (University of Leicester School of Law)
The Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) system provides a framework for substitute decision-making if an adult loses capacity, but it appears to be underused by some communities. This project will examine why this is the case and identify how the law might be reformed to improve access to this system. This CDA will work with […]
REWI Fellowship Programme
The Faculty of Law offers Fellowships to ambitious early-stage-career researchers and senior researchers with outstanding international reputation. Fellows are given the opportunity to gain experience in an international scholarly environment and to benefit from the excellent know-how at the University of Graz while living in the ‘knowledge city Graz’, which provides a high quality of […]
‘PhD interdisciplinary research combining Labour Law, Social Security Law and Tort Law’
“Would you like to do an interdisciplinary PhD research combining labour law, social security and tort law? Are you interested in doing advanced empirical legal research? Then you should consider applying for this PhD project within the innovative research cluster ERI on empirical legal research into institutions for conflict resolution. The focus of the project […]
PhD Program in Global History and Governance: Doctoral scholarships at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale, University of Naples Federico II, Napoli
The program focuses on the comparisons, connections and processes of globalization that have characterized different areas of the planet since the first era of global imperialism and does so by concentrating on the relational dimension of historical processes, legal regimes and the organization of power; on the interconnections between economic, political, legal, cultural and social […]
‘Call for Applications for 2 Canadian Legal History Awards: McMurtry Fellowship, Peter Oliver Prize’
“Our friends at the Canadian Legal History Blog have posted a call for applications for the R Roy McMurtry Fellowship in Legal History and the Peter Oliver Prize in Canadian Legal History, both administered by the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History. Deadline: May 31, 2021 …” (more) [Karen Tani, Legal History Blog, 6 May] […]