Category Archives: Conferences Seminars and Lectures
Call for Papers: ‘The Future of the Commercial Contract in Scholarship and Law Reform’: Westminster Law School, 25 October 2024
Papers are invited until 15 August 2024. Please send abstracts of up to 500 words to either of the convenors. Special themes in 2024 are: (1) sustainable finance and emissions disclosure and their impact on commercial contracts; (2) standard forms and terms in construction contracts – comparative aspects; (3) supply chain and contractual ethics – […]
‘Announcement of Conference Symposium and Call for Proposals – Inheritance Inequality’
We are pleased to announce a conference on ‘Inheritance Inequality’ (the Fifth Biennial Conference on Critical Trusts and Estates). The conference will take place on Friday September 27 and Saturday September 28, 2024 at Drexel University’s Thomas R Kline School of Law, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and will be sponsored by the Drexel Law Review. The […]
‘Who’s Afraid of Punitive Damages? – Conference in Augsburg, Germany’
On 8 and 9 March, scholars from more than a dozen different jurisdictions followed the invitation of Tobias Lutzi to discuss recent trends in punitive damages at the University of Augsburg, Germany. Despite an unfortunate combination of rail and flight strikes, only a small number of participants were ultimately unable to make it to Augsburg. […]
Call for Abstracts: ‘Empirical Research Methods in Advancing Legal Knowledge’: Conference, Northumbria Law School, 17 September 2024
Northumbria Law School invites submissions of abstracts for 20-minute paper presentations for this free one-day event generously funded by the Society of Legal Scholars Events Fund. Studies incorporating empirical methods are a growing feature of legal research today. Yet, the development of empirical research methodological literature is in its relative infancy. This event will explore […]
Call for Papers: ‘New Trends in Teaching Contract Law’, University of Sussex, Brighton, 12 September 2024
This conference brings together legal educators to showcase innovative approaches to teaching Contract Law, a core module with large student numbers. This conference aims to highlight and explore issues and topics that will be of interest and importance not only to those that teach Contract Law, but also to the wider teaching community. The organisers […]
‘What is a Nuisance Anyway?’ – Allan Beever, University College London, 18 April 2024
The recent and controversial decision of the UK Supreme Court in Fearn v Tate Gallery has caused many to question the nature of the law of private nuisance. To many commentators, it has seemed that Fearn expanded the law into new territory, opening up a wide sphere of potential future liability. Many have also felt […]
Sarah Swan, ‘Plaintiff Police’, University of Toronto Faculty of Law and Zoom, 22 March 2024, 12:00 EST
‘Plaintiff Police’ explores the recent trend of local police officers increasingly bringing civil lawsuits against those that they police, particularly in high-profile situations where the police have been accused of wrongdoing. For example, police officers have initiated multiple lawsuits suing Black Lives Matter protestors, police officers have sued rapper Afroman for using footage of their […]
‘Private Law Perspectives on the Contract of Employment’, University College London, 7 June 2024
The UCL Private Law Group are pleased to announce a one-day conference on Private Law Perspectives on the Contract of Employment, Friday 7th June 2024, from 09:30 to 5pm, at University College London. This conference will develop a dialogue between private lawyers and labour lawyers on theoretical and practical issues as they relate to the […]
Call for Abstracts: European Privacy Law Scholars Conference, University of Amsterdam, 24-25 October 2024
Following the format of PLSC in the United States, PLSC Europe is a conference for discussing work in progress. In the PLSC format, discussants, rather than authors, present and kick off a discussion on an assigned paper. There are no panels or presentations by the authors and everyone is a ‘participant’, offering their best questions […]
‘Digital Assets and Private International Law’
The question which law applies to the blockchain and assets recorded thereon, such as cryptocurrencies, stablecoins or other token, is one of the most hotly debated issues in the conflict of laws (see eg the recent book ‘Blockchain and Private International Law’). A conference on this topic will take place on 11 and 12 April […]