Obar, Gelb, de Jesús, Cavalcante Silva and Palmier Blizzard, ‘Video Notice Design to Support Meaningful Consent Online: An Analysis of Social Media Videos About Artificial Intelligence and Privacy’

This first AI in Focus report presents research findings about the utility of social media-style video as a supplement to text-based privacy notices.

A meaningful consent process online requires that a digital service provider communicate information about services to consumers. For example, information about data collection, algorithms, etc. should be conveyed to help people understand the risks and implications of service use. This study addresses how video notices can help digital service providers communicate this information to consumers.

This report includes information about four video notice prototypes (available at www.ainfocus.net) developed and focus group-tested. The report also includes five video design recommendations resulting from the focus group analysis. As the video content developed for this study addresses privacy issues raised by artificial intelligence (AI), the video prototypes and design recommendations should be relevant to organizations providing individuals with information (ie notice) about AI development or use …

Obar, Jonathan A and Gelb, David and de Jesús, Desirée and Cavalcante Silva, Guilherme and Palmier Blizzard, Hannah, Video Notice Design to Support Meaningful Consent Online: An Analysis of Social Media Videos About Artificial Intelligence and Privacy (May 7, 2024).

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