This article focuses on copyright issues pertaining to generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems, with particular emphasis on the ChatGPT case study as a primary exemplar. In order to generate high-quality outcomes, generative AI systems require substantial quantities of training data, which may frequently comprise copyright-protected information. This prompts inquiries into the legal principles of fair use, the creation of derivative works and the lawfulness of data gathering and utilisation. The utilisation of input data for the purpose of training and enhancing AI models presents significant concerns regarding potential violations of copyright. This paper offers suggestions for safeguarding the interests of copyright holders and competitors, while simultaneously addressing legal challenges and expediting the advancement of AI technologies. This study analyses the ChatGPT platform as a case example to explore the necessary modifications that copyright regulations must undergo to adequately tackle the intricacies of authorship and ownership in the realm of AI-generated creative content.
Nicola Lucchi, ChatGPT: A Case Study on Copyright Challenges for Generative Artificial Intelligence Systems, European Journal of Risk Regulation, volume 15, special issue 3 (Special Issue on the Evolving Nature of the Rule of Law in International Economic Law), pp 602-624 (September 2024). Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 August 2023.
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