Predictive justice is the informal name for a computer tool equipped with artificial intelligence capable of predicting the outcome of a court case, based on previous decisions on similar cases. As a valuable source of information for lawyers and judges, its usefulness seems unquestionable. But the problems it raises are no less obvious. From the outset, the accuracy of the output can be questioned. The psychological impact of the predictions on the judge, conditioning her decision-making autonomy, is also worrisome. In addition, there are concerning uncertainties about the negative effect of these tools on the training of trainee lawyers, since one of their most frequent and formative tasks will be carried out by machines. Finally, and assuming that these tools can profile the professional skills of judges and lawyers, we should ask whether this is desirable or even acceptable.
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João Marques Martins, The Impacts of Predictive Justice in Civil Litigation, International Journal of Procedural Law. Online Publication Date: 11 November 2024.
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