Rati Chantladze, ‘An “Inducer” Third Person in Contractual Relations – Grounds and the Scope of Liability’

In parallel with the evolution of contractual relations, the pre-contractual stage acquires increasing significance, where, along with a future creditor and a debtor, partake third parties, who might influence the forming of the consent of the negotiating persons. The following article explores the issue of the engagement of said third parties in pre-contractual relations, the grounds for claiming damages from them and the scope of liability. More precisely, highlighted is the legal nature of the claims raised against ‘inducer’ third persons, and how it differs from other claims in the law of obligations.

Despite the participation of third persons in a pre-contractual stage and the practical importance of asserting a claim against them, Georgian norms fail to adequately and extensively regulate the issue. Hence, through the comparative legal methodology, the paper analyses the topic through the Georgian and German normative order lens. Definitions presented in the German doctrine of ‘culpa in contrahendo’, as well as, judicial practice.

Rati Chantladze, An ‘Inducer’ Third Person in Contractual Relations – Grounds and the Scope of Liability, Journal of Law (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University), no 1 (2024). Published 30 June 2024.

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