‘Reforming the Law relating to Contracts for the Sale of Goods and the Sale and Supply of Digital Content and Services: A Brexit Divide?’

This blog piece takes the theme of ‘Reforming the Law of Obligations and Judicial Activism’ and places it in the context of EU consumer contract law reforms. These have brought significant changes to the contract law of Member States, but obviously do not affect the law in non-Member States of which we must now include the UK. My focus will be on three 2019 EU Directives that reform the law relating to contracts for the sale of goods (Directive 2019/771/EU), contracts for the sale and supply of digital content and digital services (Directive 2019/770/EU) and introduce reforms on other consumer welfare matters (Omnibus Directive 2019/2161/EU). The implementation deadline for the 2019 Directives was 2022 and they are now in force … (more)

[Paula Giliker, BACL, 11 October 2024]

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