Sustainability is often seen as a problematic which does not involve social sciences and – mainly – the law, the role of which is many times limited to some restriction measures enacted through public law provisions, in order to set up the limits of non-environmental friendly practices and enact some prohibitions. Nevertheless, private law, as the main legal instrument of the so-called self-transactional determination of the individuals may have its own important role in forming a coherent frame of sustainability in the crucial field of private practice, making environmental sustainability an issue among legal subjects of private law and not only an issue concerning the administration. The paper aims to introduce – mostly to scientists and experts outside the field of law – the main pillars of the problematic, as well as briefly analyze their main characteristics and set some fundamental critical points concerning the abilities of (US) private law to contribute to the achievement of a sufficient level of sustainability, emphasizing on the challenges arising in regard with contract law.
Dimitrios Devetzis, The Role of Private Law in Sustainable Development: Improving Sustainability through An Effective Anagnosis of US Contract Law, Sustainable Development, Culture, Traditions Journal, volume 5a, 66 (2024).
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