‘Perhaps Geography is Everything’

Noah M Kazis, ‘The Radical Fair Housing Act’, 111 Virginia Law Review (forthcoming, 2025), available at SSRN (February 27, 2024). Is geography fate, as Ralph Ellison proclaimed; is geography our destiny; does it determine our life’s course? I tend to think so because my own personal life story has been incredibly, indelibly, positively impacted by geography. Perhaps this is why I was drawn to share Noah M Kazis’ forthcoming article, ‘The Radical Fair Housing Act’. In his article, Professor Kazis describes the radical features and nature of the Fair Housing Act (FHA) that call into question whether housing markets should be restructured in pursuit of housing equality rather than conceding that housing equality may only be pursued within existing structures … (more)

[Carol Necole Brown, JOTWELL, 5 August 2024]

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