Trace Brooks, ‘Incorporating Social Justice and Environmental Sustainability into Estate Planning Through Conservation Easements’, 49 ACTEC Law Journal 1 (2023); Carla Spivack, ‘Estate Planning for the Apocalypse’, 49 ACTEC Law Journal 85 (2023). Climate change and environmental justice are topics that thread through and are pushing the boundaries of legal inquiry in multiple doctrinal areas. From reproductive justice to corporate investing, environmental concerns have emerged as both salient and pressing. One subject area still awaiting robust exploration of the relationship between environmental concerns and legal rules is inheritance law. This lack of energetic conversation about the environment and estate planning might be, on the one hand, surprising. Estate planning is all about the future and provisioning future generations. On the other hand, it is perhaps not a complete surprise since estate planning tends to focus on the preservation of private family wealth rather than the creation of extended public benefit. Given the need for increased scholarly attention to this area, it is encouraging to see two short pieces about environmental justice and estate planning in the Fall 2023 volume of the ACTEC Law Journal dedicated to a critical analysis of inequality in the field … (more)
[Allison Anna Tait, JOTWELL, 2 August 2024]
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