Sujit Fulari, ‘Digitizing Land Records: Is It Enough for India?’

Land records are integral to the revenue administration of the state. The well-maintained land records are in the interest of both landholders as well as the state. Traditionally India has followed the manual method of maintaining records which are marred by inaccuracies, corruption and records being outdated. To address these issues the Indian state has taken the initiative of computerization of land records, however, its success hasn’t been uniform across the states. The two Indian states namely Karnataka and Gujarat were lauded for their success in the land records computerization program. This paper focuses on the project of these two states namely, Bhoomi of Karnataka and e-Dhara of Gujarat to understand their computerization experience and seeks an answer for the question whether only digitization of land records is sufficient or do we need something extra.

Fulari, Sujit, Digitizing Land Records: Is It Enough for India? (December 11, 2022).

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