The decision of the South African Constitutional Court in AK v Minister of Police has implications for law enforcement agencies that fail the victims of crime. In this matter, the plaintiff sued the Minister and others for damages after officers had failed to rescue her from the perpetrator(s) of a protracted sexual assault and to conduct an adequate criminal investigation afterwards. The judgment deals with a noteworthy psycho-legal issue, namely, whether the police are liable for any harm resulting from the plaintiff’s continued trauma exposure beyond the moment a competent search would have likely resulted in her rescue, when her trauma exposure was already prolonged. In this paper, we consider whether the interpretation of the expert evidence is consistent with the relevant research. Research suggests the psychological harm caused by police negligence may have been more than a matter of extended trauma exposure but also of supplemental trauma appraisals.
Charles Young, Mohammed Nagdee and Amanda Pieterse, The dose-effect relationship in PTSD: the South African Constitutional Court Case of AK v Minister of Police (2022), Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Published online: 5 May 2024.
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