‘Copyright and the meta-regulation of intermediary services and artificial intelligence’

The EU laws on digital services (Digital Services Act – DSA) and artificial intelligence (AI Act, cited here according to EP document P9_TA(2024)0138 of 13 March 2024) are intended to ensure safety and trustworthiness on the Internet and in dealing with AI. These overall aims also include the protection of copyright and related rights. The ‘non-authorised use of copyright protected material’ is cited in recital 12 Digital Services Act (DSA) as an example of ‘illegal content’, the availability of which is to be curbed by means of, among other things, notice and action mechanisms (Art 16 DSA) and the mandatory risk management of very large online platforms and search engines (Arts. 34 and 35 DSA) … (more)

[Alexander Peukert, Kluwer Copyright Blog, 13 June 2024]

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