Cuntz, Fink and Stamm, ‘Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: An Economic Perspective’

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has profound implications for intellectual property (IP) frameworks. While much of the discussion so far has focused on the legal implications, we focus on the economic dimension. We dissect AI’s role as both a facilitator and disruptor of innovation and creativity. Recalling economic principles and reviewing relevant literature, we explore the evolving landscape of AI innovation incentives and the challenges it poses to existing IP frameworks. From patentability dilemmas to copyright conundrums, we find that there is a delicate balance between fostering innovation and safeguarding societal interests amidst rapid technological progress. We also point to areas where future economic research could offer valuable insights to policymakers.

Cuntz, Alexander and Fink, Carsten and Stamm, Hansueli, Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: An Economic Perspective. Online 8 June 2004.

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