Jamilya Kamalova, ‘Exploring Blockchain-Based Alternative Dispute Resolution: Limitations of Traditional Methods and Prospects for Further ResearcH’

The paper explores the potential advantages of blockchain technology in facilitating dispute settlement, building upon previous studies of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and online dispute resolution (ODR). The theoretical framework attempts to combine the ideals of liberal theory with the reality of legal pluralism encountered in many states. Through an overview of the limitations posed by ODR systems, the paper uses the Kleros platform as a case study to provide an example of blockchain technology application in dispute resolution. The paper emphasizes the complementarity of blockchain-powered tools with traditional methods of dispute settlement, presenting both points of criticism and questions for further research.

Kamalova, Jamilya, Exploring Blockchain-Based Alternative Dispute Resolution: Limitations of Traditional Methods and Prospects for Further Research (November 1, 2022), Harvard Negotiation Law Review, Forthcoming.

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