This is an unpublished excerpt from my doctoral dissertation, which has been entirely omitted in the final, published version due to reasons of scope. It might be of interest to comparative legal researchers and non-German-speaking lawyers, since it is more comprehensive and recent than other English texts on German product liability law sensu lato. It does not cover EU harmonised ‘strict’ product liability based on the German Produkthaftungsgesetz’, but instead focuses on all other, possible extracontractual and contractual product liability theories of German law, like § 823(1) (Produzentenhaftung), § 823(2), § 826, § 831, § 31, § 278 and § 280 BGB. Attention is also devoted to ancillary rules like those relating to damage, causation and evidence.
Van Gool, Elias, Overview of German Product Liability Law (May 10, 2024).
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