A few years back, I got a nasty bronchitis: for over a week, I could barely leave my bed to reach the sofa. In essence, my main occupation was coughing; and it was quite tiresome, too. The ideal scenario for binge-watching. Which is what I did. Soon, I had watched all my Netflix watchlist, even after having refilled it; twice. Next, I watched all the episodes of The Real Ghostbusters cartoons I could find on YouTube.You see, I am a ‘moderate’ Ghostbusters fan. Why am I telling you this? Because I used my YouTube account, meaning that YouTube collected the information that in my early 30s, I watched The Real Ghostbusters for about 10 hours a day for several days. It does not take great intelligence (artificial or biological) to conclude that I have a ‘moderate’ preference for Ghostbusters …
Fabrizio Esposito, Price personalisation: Walking the not-so-blurred line between innovation and exploitation, Journal of Law, Market and Innovation, volume 3 no 1 (2024).
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