Preface to Special Issue: Not So Free to Contract: How Unequal Workplace Power Undercuts the ‘Freedom of Contract’ Framework (Elizabeth Anderson)
Introduction – The Goliath in the Room: How the False Assumption of Equal Worker–Employer Power Undercuts Workplace Protections (Lawrence Mishel)
Talking About Private Government: A Review of the Economic Claims Made to Rebut Anderson’s Analysis (Chetan Cetty)
The Powerful Role of Unproven Economic Assumptions in Work Law (Julia Tomassetti)
The Persistent Absence of Full Employment: A Critical Flaw in the Legal ‘Freedom of Contract’ Framework (Lawrence Mishel)
Worker Mobility in Practice: Is Quitting a Right, or a Luxury? (Kathryn Anne Edwards)
If You Don’t Like Your Job, Can You Always Quit? Pervasive Monopsony Power and Freedom in the Labor Market (Suresh Naidu and Michael Carr)
Turnover, Prices, and Reallocation: Why Minimum Wages Raise the Incomes of Low-Wage Workers (Ben Zipperer)
The Great Reversal: How an Influential International Organization Changed Its View on Employment Security, Labor Market Flexibility, and Collective Bargaining (John Evans and William Spriggs)
Codetermination and Power in the Workplace (Simon Jäger, Shakked Noy and Benjamin Schoefer)
Journal of Law and Political Economy volume 3, issue 1, 2022
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