Ali Çamkertern, ‘The Evolving Landscape of Data and Databases: Implications for Database Law’

Data has become the fuel for many digitalized sectors from finance to healthcare. Without data, many systems would either not operate or be less efficient when they operate. Until recently, emphasis was on the quantity of data and market players were trying to gather as much as data possible for their own economic benefit. However, slowly but steadily, quality of data is becoming more important than quantity of data as numerous constraints and problems appear that is related to data acquisition in large numbers. To overcome this, various techniques such as synthetic data generation, data distillation and so on have been developed. Also, new database technologies such as vector database systems will create a shift from traditional database structures. All of these developments will have serious effects on content and structures of databases. As the content and structure of databases change, legal protection for databases will also be effected as they protect content and structure of databases under different legal regimes.

Çamkertern, Ali Semih, The Evolving Landscape of Data and Databases: Implications for Database Law (July 19, 2023).

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