Richard L Jolly, Valerie P Hans and Robert S Peck, ‘The Civil Jury: Reviving an American Institution’, available at The Civil Justice Research Initiative (September 2021). In ‘The Civil Jury: Reviving an American Institution’, authors Richard L Jolly, Valerie P Hans, and Robert S Peck sound a dire – and important – warning: the jury trial has almost completely vanished from civil litigation, and its disappearance comes at great cost. While many have noted civil trials’ decline over the past century, the Report goes a step further, not only compiling data to track the jury trial’s demise, but also cataloguing reasons for it, explaining why it matters, and offering concrete ways to reverse this ominous trend. In this Jot, I’ll focus on why those of us interested in tort law, and the role of juries in tort law, should read – and heed – the authors’ warnings … (more)
[Nora Freeman Engstrom, JOTWELL, 21 June 2023]
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