Earlier today the Court of Justice issued the judgment in case C‑570/21, YYY (Notion de consommateur). The case concerned, once again, the notion of the consumer under Directive 93/13/EEC on unfair terms in consumer contracts (UCTD). The Court has already dealt with similar problems in its earlier case law, recently eg in case C-485/21, SV (Immeuble en copropriété). The judgment confirmed that the notion of the consumer in mixed-purpose contracts under UCTD should be understood broadly. The ruling does not come as a surprise; what is nevertheless noteworthy is an explicit confirmation that the notion of the consumer in contract law is different from that in private international law. The Court, moreover, provided additional guidance on the interpretation of consumer notion in joint credit agreements … (more)
[Agnieszka Jabłonowska, Recent developments in European Consumer Law, 8 June 2023]
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