“‘Alienable?? The law says land must be … [client chokes and stares at us in disbelief] … alienable??’ As legal workers practicing under the Radical Real Estate Law School at the Sustainable Economies Law Center, we’ve had many such awkward moments with clients. We’d like to share some here, because they’ve transformed our approach to this work. We do legal work with several Indigenous- and Black-led groups deeply rooted in collective liberation and racial justice struggles. We call them our ‘clients’, even when it’s clear that we are the ones learning the most from the relationship …” (more)
Dorian Payán, Christine Hernandez, Alejandra Cruz, Chris Tittle and Janelle Orsi, ‘A Roundhouse Is Not A Gazebo: Awkward Moments In Radical Real Estate Law’, LPE Project, 14 July.
First posted 2022-07-14 16:45:46
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