Pascale Chapdelaine and others, ‘A Modern Copyright Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT): Intellectual Property Scholars’ Joint Submission to the Canadian Government Consultation’

In response to the Canadian government consultation process on the modernization of the copyright framework launched in the summer 2021, we hereby present our analysis and recommendations concerning the interaction between copyright and the Internet of Things (IoT). The recommendations herein reflect the shared opinion of the intellectual property scholars who are signatories to this brief. They are informed by many combined decades of study, teaching, and practice in Canadian, US, and international intellectual property law …

Chapdelaine, Pascale and Rosborough, Anthony D and Perzanowski, Aaron and Amani, Bita and Bannerman, Sara and Craig, Carys J and Guibault, L and Hutchison, Cameron J and Katz, Ariel and Mogyoros, Alexandra and Reynolds, Graham J and Scassa, Teresa and Tawfik, Myra, A Modern Copyright Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT): Intellectual Property Scholars’ Joint Submission to the Canadian Government Consultation (September 26, 2021).

First posted 2022-06-25 15:15:03

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