Adam J Hirsch, Inheritance on the Fringes of Marriage, 2018 University of Illinoi Law Review 235. Imagine that you are engaged to be married but die shortly before the wedding. You do not have a will. Should your fiancé be entitled to a share of your estate? Imagine instead that shortly after your engagement, you execute a will giving your fiancé half of your estate. You end the relationship before walking down the aisle but never change your will. You are later killed in an accident. Should your ex-fiancé take under the will? Imagine that you married your fiancé but later filed for divorce. You die while the divorce is still pending, and you do not have a will. Should your divorcing spouse be entitled to a share of your estate? … (more)
[Solangel Maldonado, JOTWELL, 10 May]
First posted 2018-05-10 13:58:58
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