‘Empowering Consumers Through Global Redress Systems’

“Consumers continually make small-dollar purchases through business-to-consumer (‘B2C’) Internet contracts, often across borders and usually without incident. Occasionally, however, the goods and services that consumers purchase do not arrive or fulfill their expectations. When this happens, consumers often lack information about their rights and do not know where to turn for assistance regarding their purchase problems. Furthermore, even when consumers understand their rights, they may lack the resources or confidence to pursue processes for obtaining assistance. This is especially true for consumers in the United States (‘US’) due to costly and impractical judicial options for recourse. Additionally, these consumers often face strict enforcement of pre-dispute arbitration clauses under the Federal Arbitration Act and accompanying US Supreme Court jurisprudence …” (more)

[Amy J Schmitz, Oxford Business Law Blog, 11 April]

First posted 2017-04-11 12:12:15

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