“Reid Kress Weisbord, Wills For Everyone: Helping Individuals Opt Out of Intestacy, 53 B.C.L. Rev. 877 (2012). Testamentary freedom gives a person the right to control the distribution of his or her property upon death. The main way for a person to exercise that right is to execute a Will. In the event a person dies without a Will, his or her estate is distributed based upon the scheme set forth in the applicable intestacy statute. Even though most Americans die without executing Wills, Professor Weisbord is convinced that the decision not to execute a Will is not an indication that a person wants his or her property to be distributed under the intestacy system. Professor Weisbord opines that most people do not understand the consequences of dying intestate …” (more)
[Browne Lewis, JOTWELL, 13 January]
First posted 2014-01-13 14:29:20
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