Sandeepa Bhat, ‘Contractual Aspects In Private Commercial Space Ventures’

Contract law has tremendous significance in the modern day commercial space activities. Since international space law developed primarily in the era of state oriented space activities, it has failed to address the manifold legal issues arising out of private commercial space ventures. The much expected national laws to regulate private space activities have also not developed in most parts of the world. In the wake of this, the private players have resorted to Contract law for the determination of their rights and liabilities. This recent interface between Contract law and space law has not yet been comprehensively dealt either at governmental level or at academic level. Therefore, this paper tries to bring forward various spheres of space activities having Contractual implications, and critically evaluates the trends in them. The paper concludes with the argument that the respite given by Contract law is temporary, and more permanent alternatives need to be found for the proper regulation of private space activities.

Bhat B, Sandeepa, Contractual Aspects In Private Commercial Space Ventures (January 1, 2015) in Sairam Bhat (ed), Contracts, Agreements and Public Policy in India, 2015.

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