Robert L Rabin, ‘Stand Alone Emotional Harm: Old Wine in New Bottles’, 73 DePaul Law Review 733 (2024). As an early-career beneficiary of Jotwell, I often use my annual platform to spotlight the work of emerging or underappreciated scholars. Robert Rabin is emphatically not a member of that group. Why, then, is Stand Alone Emotional Harm: Old Wine in New Bottles the thing I like lots right now? The piece elegantly observes – and joins – an incipient movement to recenter in tort non-physical injuries that tarnish American social life. These claims have long been ridiculed by mainstream tort, so they need a prominent champion like Rabin. Rabin’s contribution to the 2023 Clifford Symposium on Tort Law and Social Justice is compact but undeniable … (more)
[Cristina Tilley, JOTWELL, 6 December 2024]
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