‘Who is the average consumer? CJEU in Compass Banca (C-646/22)’

On the 14th of November, the CJEU published its long-awaited decision on Compass Banca (Case C-646/22; we have previously discussed it here). In this case, the CJEU, for the first time, elaborated on who the ‘average consumer’ is, especially in light of the persistent critiques from behaviouralists, and further clarified the assessment of and the consequences for unfair commercial practices under the UCPD (Directive 2005/29/EC). The case involves a commercial practice by the Italian company Compass Banca which the Court termed ‘framing’ – a term typically associated with a specific type of cognitive bias rather than a concrete commercial practice … (more)

[Jie Ouyang, Recent developments in European Consumer Law, 19 November 2024]

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