Donna Yates, ‘T rex is Fierce, T rex is Charismatic, T rex is Litigious: Disruptive Objects in Affective Desirescapes’

In this paper we present T rex fossils as disruptive objects that can drastically influence the actions and reactions of humans that encounter them. We present a vision of the T rex as being a key node within a web of human and object associations that ultimately produces, first, extreme desire in humans, and then a breakdown in human relationships resulting in disagreements, disputes, lawsuits, and the committing of crime. From there we bring these T rex fossils into the concept of desirescape which sees a network of object/object and object/human reactions provoking irresistible desire in humans. We argue that this desire can push humans to violate law or social norms or, in several T rex cases, sue each other. How then should we humans approach T rex and other disruptive objects? Cautiously, and with the knowledge that these objects may be more powerful than we are.

Donna Yates, T rex is Fierce, T rex is Charismatic, T rex is Litigious: Disruptive Objects in Affective Desirescape, International Journal of Cultural Property, volume 30, issue 4, pp 396-418 (November 2023). Published online by Cambridge University Press: 9 May 2024.

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