Iryna Tsvigun, ‘Navigating change: the evolution of Ukrainian Private Law from historical roots to contemporary challenges’

The article examined the evolution of Ukrainian private law, which reflects the development of the country’s statehood and its historical heritage, deeply rooted in European traditions. In the context of recent geopolitical events, such as the invasion of Russia and Ukraine’s acquisition of the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union, the article emphasized the urgent need to overcome the post-Soviet legacy and the need for qualitative adaptation to European Union standards.

The legal trajectory of Ukraine is considered, taking into account internal reforms, external influences and the role of private law in harmonization with democratic principles. The importance of a comprehensive approach to the development of private law in accordance with modern challenges is emphasized.

Iryna Tsvigun, Navigating change: the evolution of Ukrainian Private Law from historical roots to contemporary challenges, Visegrad Journal on Human Rights (2024, no 2). Published 15 July 2024.

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