‘… Against this backdrop, we considered it necessary to reflect on the judgments that the ECJ has rendered so far on the UCTD. With this aim, we organized an international working group to produce a comprehensive and updated study of the key concepts of the UCTD, as interpreted by the ECJ. We were fortunate to have been joined by knowledgeable, generous and enthusiastic colleagues. They had all been working on the UCTD for some time and so were familiar with its intricacies and huge impact on private law. We were aware that focusing on the EU level was a partial assessment. A complete picture would require researching the application of the UCTD in all the Member States. However, that task cannot properly be conducted without first determining where the law stands in the EU. This was the scope of our study …
The ECJ on the Unfair Contract Terms Directive (Directive 93/13/EEC) (Aneta Wiewiórowska-Domagalska, Francisco de Elizalde and Tatjana Josipović)
Scope of Application of the Unfair Contract Terms Directive: Is It Time for a New Compromise? (Tatjana Josipović)
The Objectives of Directive 93/13/EEC on Unfair Contract Terms: An Overview after 30 Years of Case Law (Hans Schulte-Nölke)
UCTD’s Hybrid, Multifaceted and Differentiated Enforcement (Michel Cannarsa)
Ignorance is bliss – How Ex Officio Control Became the Raison d’Être of the UCTD (Charlotte Pavillon)
National Procedural Rules and the New Boundaries of ECJ’s Control in the Light of Directive 93/13 (Pietro Sirena, Maddalena Ginestri and Elisa Valletta)
Remedies for Unfair Terms in Light of the General Principles of EU Law (Francisco De Elizalde)
The Unfairness Test: From Sleeping Beauty to Little Mermaid (Marie Jull Sørensen)
European Review of Private Law volume 32 issue 3 (June 2024)
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