In a world where data is no longer a mere piece(s) of information, data has become a valuable asset to both private persons and businesses, hence the basis of legislations regulating data access and its processing.
It is no gainsaying that the European Union (EU) in 2016 succeeded in adopting the most comprehensive legal framework for personal data protection which is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and this is in addition to other laws such as the e-privacy directive having similar effects.
With the goal to promote innovation and at the same time regulate access to data generated from Internet of Things, there is an EU proposed Data Act .
Regrettably, the proposed Act has been received with mixed reactions from industry stakeholders and legal scholars. In particular, the primary concern relates to the over-laps and glaring areas of conflict between the GDPR and the draft Data Act, although, the latter is said to have the effect of complementing the GDPR.
The relationship of the Data Act and the GDPR will be discussed in this paper bearing in mind the narrow possibility of bifurcating personal data and non-personal data in order to generate Internet of Things data for the purpose of innovation.
Mbaezue, Veronica, Data Act I: Relationship With General Data Regulation (GDPR) (June 28, 2023).
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