A Symposium on Martijn Hesselink’s ‘Reconstituting the Code of Capital’: European Law Open (June 2022)

Reconstituting the Code of Capital: could a progressive European code of private law help us reduce inequality and regain democratic control? (Martijn W Hesselink)

Legal coding beyond capital? (Katharina Pistor)

Select Coding for the 99 per cent? Principles and the preconditions of capital minting (Candida Leone)

Progress towards what? On the need for an intersectional paradigm shift in European private law (Lyn KL Tjon Soei Len

The challenge of radical reform in pluralist democracies (Aditi Bagchi)

A societal private law (Anna Beckers)

How EU law politicises markets and creates spaces for progressive coding (Giacomo Tagiuri)

What kind of private law for what kind of Europe? A rejoinder to Martijn Hesselink’s ‘progressive code’ (Hans-W Micklitz)

Interpersonal justice as partial justice (Hugh Collins)

Pathways to interpersonal justice in European private law: top-down or bottom-up? (Olha O Cherednychenk

The paths to a progressive European code of private law (Muriel Fabre-Magnan)


European Law Open – Volume 1 – Issue 2 – June 2022

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