Cary Coglianese and Erik Lampmann, ‘Contracting for Algorithmic Accountability’, 6 Administrative Law Review Accord 175 (2021). Algorithmic accountability is a pressing contemporary issue. Machine learning algorithms – also known as artificial intelligence (AI) – are used in decision-making by state and federal agencies, as well as in the private sector. The decisional outcomes from AI can be critical to the quality of life of affected people, and yet the rationale for algorithmic decisions is often obscure. Algorithmic accountability is the process of assigning responsibility for the results of decision making assisted by AI. In ‘Contracting for Algorithmic Accountability’, Cary Coglianese and Erik Lampmann argue that public procurement – or government contracting – is a tool to promote algorithmic accountability in governance and beyond. Federal, state, and local agencies use machine learning algorithms to aid in many tasks, from forecasting crime to allocating social services … (more)
[Lauren Scholz, JOTWELL, 4 December 2023]
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