Sherally Munshi, ‘Dispossession: An American Property Law Tradition’, 110 Georgetown Law Journal 1021 (2022). Property, as we have come to know and protect it, is dispossession. This is the heart of Sherally Munshi’s ‘Dispossession: An American Property Law Tradition’, a carefully researched and richly nuanced piece that’s brilliant in the simplicity and clarity of its message. As Munshi illustrates, what appears as property from a vantage point of privilege may be understood equally validly as dispossession and this implies that the injustices associated with commodification and inequitable distribution cannot be redressed except from below. Not only from the perspective of those most dispossessed, but also, quite literally, from the ground up … (more)
[Natsu Taylor Saito, JOTWELL, 1 August 2023]
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