The authors welcome the opportunity to respond to the public consultation of the European Commission on ‘Civil Liability – Adapting Liability Rules to the Digital Age and Artificial Intelligence’. In this survey, the Commission first asks for feedback on whether and how to improve the Product Liability Directive (PLD), and in a second part seeks to ‘collect information on the need and possible ways to address issues related specifically to damage caused by Artificial Intelligence systems’. As the introduction to the call rightly states, the latter concerns both the PLD as well as other civil liability rules of the Member States.
Koch, Bernhard A and Borghetti, Jean-Sébastien and Machnikowski, Piotr and Pichannaz, Pascal and Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell, Teresa and Twigg-Flesner, Christian and Wendehorst, Christiane, European Commission’s Public Consultation on Civil Liability – Adapting Liability Rules to the Digital Age and Artificial Intelligence (2022).
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