Matthias Lehmann, ‘EU Law-Making 2.0: The Prospect of a European Business Code’

The EU is at a fork in the road. Either it continues its way of myriad regulations and directives risks antagonizing citizens and businesses alike. Or it changes direction and becomes a better lawmaker. A way to do this – as recently suggested in the Commission’s own White Paper on the Future of Europe – is the codification of EU business law.

This article is a plea to enact a European Business Code. It builds on two strands. First, it draws on economic arguments to show that deeper integration is indispensable for the survival of the Union. Second, it critically assesses the shortcomings of the current approach of the EU to business law-making and concludes that more coherence is necessary. After that, the contours of a future code are outlined.

Lehmann, Matthias, EU Law-Making 2.0: The Prospect of a European Business Code (2020).

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