‘The Limits to Law(s)’

Robert W Adler and Carina E Wells, ‘Plastics and the Limits of US Environmental Law’, 47 Harvard Environmental Law Review 1 (2023); Mark P Nevitt and Robert V Percival, ‘Can Environmental Law Solve the “Forever Chemical” Problem?’, 57 Wake Forest Law Review 239 (2022). When young people accusingly complain that my generation unfairly saddled them with the problem of climate change, I like to remind them that my contemporaries and immediate forebears advocated for, enacted, and implemented – indeed, invented – modern environmental law in this country. However true it is that we failed to protect our heirs from climate change, we are bequeathing them a world that is demonstrably cleaner and healthier than it would have been absent the spate of environmental lawmaking that began in 1970. In the articles reviewed here, two lions of the founding era, each writing with a younger co-author, remind us that the success of US environmental law remains incomplete … (more)

[Steve Gold, JOTWELL, 30 April 2024]

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