Ganesh Makam, ‘The Justification for Intellectual Property Rights’

Modern societies rely heavily on intellectual property rights (IPRs) to foster innovation, creativity, and economic growth. Examining multiple ethical, economic, and societal perspectives, this paper seeks to provide a comprehensive study of the justification for intellectual property rights. This paper seeks to demonstrate the significance and legitimacy of IPRs in promoting innovation, encouraging investment, and protecting the rights of creators by examining their underlying principles and key arguments. This paper seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the significance and legitimacy of intellectual property rights by examining their moral, economic, and social justifications. It emphasises the need for a balanced approach that promotes innovation, encourages creativity, and guarantees access to knowledge and cultural expression. As societies continue to evolve in the digital age, ongoing dialogue and examination of IPRs will be essential for shaping a dynamic and equitable intellectual property environment.

Makam, Ganesh, The Justification for Intellectual Property Rights (April 30, 2023).

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