Zainab Batul Naqvi, Polygamy, Policy and Postcolonialism in English Marriage Law; A Critical Feminist Analysis, Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2023, 239 pp, hb £85.00. Zainab Naqvi’s exploration of polygamy makes a significant contribution to an issue largely overlooked in contemporary literature on the treatment of diverse forms of marriage within English law. Drawing on new empirical data and case law analysis, Naqvi delves into the intersections between postcolonialism and human rights within the context of polygamous marriages. She critiques the treatment of women in such marriages under English law, situating this treatment effectively and powerfully within imperialist and orientalist discourses …
Rajnaara C Akhtar, Zainab Batul Naqvi, Polygamy, Policy and Postcolonialism in English Marriage Law; A Critical Feminist Analysis, Modern Law Review. First published: 24 April 2024.
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