Yun-chien Chang, ‘“Never Enough”: Responses to Three Book Reviews’

This essay responds to the critiques and observations made in the book reviews of Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses (Cambridge University Press, 2023) by Thomas Merrill, Katrina Wyman, and Weilin Xiao. These respected scholars, spanning three generations, have raised significant queries regarding the advancement of the book’s innovative comparative methodology, the employment of empirical evidence, and the implications of adopting economic efficiency as the guiding normative principle. The essay engages with their concerns, offering further insight into the methodological stance of the book. Through a dialogic engagement with these reviews, the essay outlines potential directions for future research, aiming to deepen the collective understanding of property law regimes among scholars in the field.

Chang, Yun-chien, ‘Never Enough’: Responses to Three Book Reviews (February 21, 2024), Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, volume 33, 2024.

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