This chapter advocates for the implementation of mandated private sludge as a strategy to mitigate the frequent exercise of the right of withdrawal in distance contracts and its negative impact on the environment. This chapter shows the importance of persuasive mechanisms in the environmental public policy toolset and introduces the concept of mandated green sludge as a tool for fostering sustainable consumer behaviors. Focusing on returns, we recommend imposing a pre-cooling-off period for chronic returners by utilizing defaults and leveraging the power of inertia and the status quo bias. Our proposal underscores the collective responsibility of policymakers, businesses, and consumers to actively contribute to environmental preservation.
Santos Silva, Marta and Garcia-Micó, Tomàs Gabriel, Cooling-off hot deals. A plea for green sludge in distance sale contracts (December 1, 2023). This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge/CRC Press in Routledge Handbook on Private Law and Sustainability on 8 May 2024 (forthcoming).
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