Ginsburg and Calboli, ‘Overlapping Copyright and Trademark Protection in the United States: More Protection and More Fair Use?’

This chapter addresses the phenomenon of overlapping rights under US law and complements Chapter 25 authored by Professors Derclay and Ng-Loy on the overlap of trademark, copyright, and design protection under several other Common Law and Civil Law jurisdictions. Because the United States does not provide sui generis protection for industrial design, but instead protects design through trademark law (notably by protecting trade dress) and design patents, this chapter focuses on the overlap between trademark and copyright protection. The Lalique bottles created for Nina Ricci perfumes, for example, may enjoy both trademark and copyright protection in the United States. Similarly, cartoon characters are components of copyrightable works (and in some jurisdictions, may be copyrightable works in their own right), but many have also long been registered as trademarks for entertainment services or merchandise.

Ginsburg, Jane C and Calboli, Irene, Overlapping Copyright and Trademark Protection in the United States: More Protection and More Fair Use? (September 2020) in The Cambridge Handbook of International and Comparative Trademark Law, Irene Calboli and Jane C Ginsburg eds, Cambridge University Press, 2020.

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