This Article examines the right to be acknowledged as the first inventor of a new technology in patent law. Technological inventions usually result from cumulative research and development, and several people sometimes arrive at the same invention almost simultaneously. However, only one person is usually considered to be the ‘inventor’, and receives all the credit and honor. This Article focuses on the legal systems of Germany and the United States, comparing how they conceptualize the right to be seen as inventor. These systems have developed in substantially different philosophical and cultural climates: while the German legal system has been deeply influenced by Kantian and Hegelian thought, the American legal system has been inspired more strongly by liberal and utilitarian ideas …
Katya Assaf-Zakharov and Lisa Herzog, The Importance of Being First: Economic and Non-economic Dimensions of Inventorship in American and German Law, American Journal of Comparative Law, volume 70, issue 3, September 2022, pages 447-479. Published: 22 February 2023.
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