A company’s trademark in the marketplace and a domain name on the Internet help customers distinguish and identify the company’s goods and services from others. Thereby, protecting domain names is just as crucial as protecting trademarks. Following that, businesses must create domain names to protect against someone else misusing a company’s trademark as a domain name. Otherwise, trademark infringement on the Internet is inevitable. It is because the practice of using famous and well-known trademarks as domain names to get a profit either by selling counterfeited products or by leveraging the Internet to advertise is widespread, which is known as ‘cybersquatting’. As the Internet and social media develop and they have been vital places to reach consumers, so do opportunities for cybersquatting. A significant increase in cybercrime during COVID-19 makes it obvious that combating cybersquatting is essential to protect Intellectual Property (‘IP’) in the digital age.
In this paper, the unfair use of someone’s trademark as a domain name (cybersquatting), the impact of the Internet and social media on cybersquatting, and possible measures to combat it will be analysed. This paper aims to address domain name and trademark infringement cybersquatting) on the Internet and social media websites and emphasize the importance of combating cybersquatting.
Gasimova, Chinara, Domain Name and Trademark Infringement (Cybersquatting) in the Digital Age (June 3, 2022).
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